Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A truly wonderful birthday..

Thank you baby!!!
It's been a truly wonderful and enjoyable day :) the day started with a surprise rose from my baby.. first time receiving a rose.. haha. what comes next are the famous amos "lollipop", the precious moments lovely birthday card, and the specially and meticulously planned program schedule for the day!

my birthday flower! shuttle to the Flyer

coffee break
took half day off and went for coffee time, and for our first time to the Singapore Flyer.. though we didn't take the flyer ride (waiting for MBS IR to be built first cos we dun wanna look at our workplace which we see everyday.. =p).. but baby planned for a special birthday treat for me.. Kenko Fish Spa!!

really a first time experience for me which i'll recommend to you all as well.. cos first time i see my feet so white, smooth and clean! :) it's relaxing.. stress-relieve.. improve blood circulation.. remove dead skin and etc etc. $28 for 30mins.. can do la..
whose leg is this? it’s mine! baby got her legs in after much hesitation
I went over to try the bigger fishes our feet have never been cleaner =) Flyer background

program for the nite includes a big feast at Pariss International Seafood Buffet.. and no joke, i really had a big feast. haha. too bad though the place quite cold which somehow affected baby's appetite abit. and according to the schedule, we ended the day with a Anderson's birthday muffin :)

This is definitely a birthday that i will never ever forget.. once again.. THANK YOU BABY!!!

dessert at Pariss.. my birthday cakes blowing candle on my real birthday cake

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