Thursday, August 27, 2009

Beginning of Better Days

today baby accepted her job offer.. when will it be my turn to leave this god-forsaken place?
i hope this will be the beginning of better days for us.. let's work hard together! =)
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bangkok '09 ~Final Day..

Time for us to say bye again. Woke up with a bad tummy. Must be eating too much these past few days. Saw a large contingent of monks at the airport.

monks contingent flight boarding

This 2nd trip to Bangkok, we managed to cover more places than the previous one. And I dun rely on the map anymore cos all the directions are already in my mind :) this really makes the whole trip more relaxing. One significant difference stands out in this 2nd trip, which both of us feels the same way, is that the Thais are slightly less friendly now. Where previously u'll always be greeted with sa-wat-dee-ka (hello) or korp-khun-ka (thank you), now u're more often met with "thank you" (in English) or none at all.

Are the Thais in Bangkok slowly losing their culture sense due to the massive influx of tourists? I certainly hope not cos the local culture n feel are what entices me to return again n again. And hope First House hotel doesn't increase their room rates due to their upgraded renovations ;)

Bangkok '09 ~6th Day..

Started the day with no agenda. Decided to take a walk around Chinatown before the shops at MBK are opened. We need to hunt for soveniors there.

fish maw soup apples

Stopped at Wat Thraimit to take a few snaps and then bought local snacks at lin zhen xiang.

Wat Thraimit
Wat Thraimit Wat Thraimit
buying durian chips

Our lunch was Oishi Ramen at MBK. It’s ramen but doesn’t taste like it, more like Maggie mee soup

oishi ramen ramen lunch
ramen lunch ramen lunch

Nothing to buy there except only managed to get 2 ash trays for ah ma. She ordered 4 but we searched the whole building only found 2 at reasonable price. And bought packets of pop-corn back home. Spotted this cool predator table..

buying pop corns
predator table

Later I had a 1hr body massage alone before buying some food back for pre dinner party. Tried to experience some boxing day atmosphere at Lumpini Boxing stadium but it’s an off day. So we headed to Suan Lum Night Bazaar beside it to spend the night with shopping and dinner. But it was a very disappointing pad thai

lumpini boxing stadium with the boxers
suan lum bazaar
suan lum central
waiting for….
dinner time!
live entertainment

Bangkok '09 ~5th Day..

Another day of shopping planned for today. Started with pratunam market before heading to platinum mall. Noga got real bored again. Haha.

fried chicken breakfast.. Again
siew mai
baiyoke sky hotel hotel

Lunch was settled everywhere, from the roadside duck and pig throtter noodles stall, to A&W, to roadside fried chicken (again), and Platinum Mall foodcourt

waiting for lunch
duck noodles pig throtter noodles
pantip plaza
A&W fried chicken lunch

Shopping at Platinum Mall, took us at least 4 hours to finish the whole building

platinum mall hmm…
coconut sugar buying fruits

Had a little foot massage, back to hotel rest, and met uncle loo again, this time with his frens.

foot massage
chinese temple
our hotel lobby
platinum at night roadside zi char

Brought us to this really nice place at the outskirts called the Waterside Resorts Restaurant. Whole restaurant was built on a quarry hence the name. Nice ambience with live band, great service, delicious food.

us with uncle's frens
waterside restaurant
noga with uncle Loo
us with uncle

Who can forget the deep fried pig throtter?

fried pig throtter.. Yummy papaya salad
enjoying coconut drink dinner spread

As commented by uncle's fren, this place got a Timbre feel but it's 100 times nicer! Uncle's right, based on service and friendliness alone, the Thais already 99 times better than singaporeans. That explains why I love Thailand!

nice place
with live band and private ktv rooms
night market
we're all tired..