Monday, February 23, 2009

Taiwan.. ~ Day 3

Highlight of all sight-seeing: Taroko Gorge. the valleys and cliffs here are all naturally created marble, which really is amazing how only Mother Nature can create such beautiful places.

breathing in the freshest air taroko bridge

This route dug into the cliff side was dug by manual labour many years ago by the aboriginal villagers living in the mountains. It’s said to be still used today by the villagers bringing fruits down from the mountains to sell and by tourists as a hiking trail as well

this old route is still used by the tribal people in the mountains

We really enjoyed the walk through the Tunnel of Nine Turns, cos the weather here is the best so far! can slowly take a stroll without any sweat and the whole place is very serene.. look at all the photos we took! Easily the best place we went to in Taiwan..

at entrance of Tunnel of Nine Turns marble valley
tunneling thru the nine turns in the valley
my turn to pose enjoying the view

Enjoyed a cuppa coffee and shao bing overlooking eternal spring temple, though abit of a rush cos the place only a rest stop.

at eternal spring shrine lake enjoying breakfast

a few stops here and there at the marble factory and lingzhi store, where we went thru a presentation highlighting the good of lingzhi and had some lingzhi tea. But we were not compelled to buy anything. Then we were on our way to Taitung already.. passed thru many paddy rice fields and managed to snap this shot with the sun rays peeking thru the clouds

outside the lingzhi store paddy rice fields

had a hot spring bath along the way to our hotel and luckily we chose the public pool while the others took the private rooms. haha.. think in the end we enjoyed the most cos we had 3 large pools shared only with a taiwan couple cos the private rooms realli very crammed!

”private” public pool
refresh after the bath good!

spent the nite at Master Bear Resort. The place is built like a resort with chalet rooms and quite off the main roads and thus no shopping or supper after dark.

our living room master bear resort room

The lack of food and shopping at night was compensated by programs arranged by the resort. There was supposed to be a tele-match between us tourists vs a group of Taiwanese schoolgirls but it started raining heavily! Thank god we got to release the heavenly lantern before the heavy downpour =)

our group members writing wishes on the heavenly lantern
Up… …Up…… …and away..

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