Monday, February 23, 2009

Taiwan.. ~ Day 4

Time to move from Taitung to Kaohsiung..

porch of our room checking out lobby

Travelled along the coastline on the east side of Taiwan, one of the rest stops

ocean behind us

One of the visitor site on the tour itinenary, Mei Nong Hakka Village, for the hakkas in southern Taiwan

mei nong hakka village cha having some ice tea
hakka village Yeah!!!

arghhh! hot weather! reached Kaohisung at noon and immediately regret never bring shorts. seems like a "holy" day with visits to the Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Spring Autumn Pavilions, a day of worshipping..

Golden buddhas at Fo Guang Shan Monastery

giant Buddha at Fo Kuang Shan Monastery small Buddha statues
golden buddhas naughty boi naughty ger

Spring & Autumn Pavilions and Hsuan Tien Shang Ti temple, both within walking distance. Something comical happened here, an old couple travelling with us went exploring on their own without informing our guide and caused a massive manhunt! Really had a good laugh when they came back innocent and see our guide scolding the uncle.

hsuan tien shang ti temple spring autumn pavilions
lake beside the temples Dragon pavilion tiger pavilion

at night went Lover River for a cruise (smelly river!) and they having a lights show along the river

 cruise along Lover’s River

Dinner was on our own expenses at the Dream Mall where they had the Hello Kitty Ferris Wheel which we gave a miss (bo liao..haha)

delicious kway chap at hello kitty ferris wheel
hello kitty phew, managed to squeeze in =P

think highlight of the day should be the 2 night markets we go with a few members of our group - 新掘江夜市 for shopping and 六合夜市 for a supper feast! Check out the numerous celebrities’ signatures on this milkshake stall and the fried giant squid legs!

famous milkshake
hot dogs giant squids

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