Monday, February 23, 2009

Taiwan.. the Formosa Island~ Day 1

So sad we are back.. this time, we just got back from the Formosa Island - Taiwan. Seems like time pass much faster when we're having fun.

Initially explored the possibility of a total F&E 10 day trip, but turns out much more difficult than expected, with alot of plannings required and some inaccessible places such as the Taroko Gorge. End up we spent the 1st half following tour group which covers most of Taiwan, and the 2nd half totally f&e to explore the rest, and the trip was extended by 3 days at the very last minute on the day we depart Sin =P
Next trip must plan better..

jetstar First there's the meticulous planning.. air-tickets (Jetstar) was first booked way back in June 08 when offer at around $300 per pax, so immediately grabbed it. Serious planning started from Oct 08 all the way till end Jan 09.. with lots of research done online looking for interesting places, directions, delicious food recommendations, and trips to People's Park for tour packages' comparison and bookings, finally deciding with Travel GSH

And then 8 months' wait ended.. 10th Feb..
1st half: 6D All Taiwan Tour + Master Bear

Day 1- touchdown Taoyuan Int Airport around 5:30pm and sky already dark.

we’re on our way =) Taiwan airport

still so many devotees at this hour already close to 7pm when we arrived at Kilin Hotel. Went to Huaxi St NM for dinner and visited Longshan Temple with the lantern festival going on. Even though at night, it's still so crowded with lots of worshippers. Heard Taiwanese mostly religious people and got to see it for myself. Very excited first night in Taiwan only and got to eat so many good food already. nite at longshan temple

first meal in taiwan outdoor shashimi
mahjong bingo!! chopper treatment

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